My Blantifa Neighbor

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:8 mins read
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Many Americans are experiencing torment and harassment for loving the President or having different views, even from their neighbors.

Trump Leaves the Hospital After Just 72 Hours

President Donald Trump left the hospital in record time after being hospitalized since Friday, October 2, at Walter Reed Medical Center. Once discharged on October 5th, he was flown back to the White House in the presidential Marine One helicopter.

The Revelation That Corona Brings

It’s been said that when something happens, it’ll show the true nature of a person.  Put the pressure on someone and they reveal themselves to be who they really are…

First Presidential Debate Recap

What do you get when you get a freight train going a billion miles an hour headed towards a tiny little upright wooden plank?  This is exactly the visual cue…

