Uribe Liberation And Colombia’s War Against The FARC
Anyone who fights against part of the axis of Latin American evil deserves the relationship of the workers' party in Latin America.
Anyone who fights against part of the axis of Latin American evil deserves the relationship of the workers' party in Latin America.
Written in Portuguese, in "The New Era and Cultural Revolution," Olavo de Carvalho explores subjects you will not see on TV or the internet.
A Brazilian company is hiring for a new position requiring an unusual qualification: applicants must be black.
President Donald Trump has banned immigration by any individual affiliated with Communist Party or any other totalitarian regime.
President Donald Trump left the hospital in record time after being hospitalized since Friday, October 2, at Walter Reed Medical Center. Once discharged on October 5th, he was flown back to the White House in the presidential Marine One helicopter.
Today’s Fake News media sources are a combination of disinformation and Overton’s window shaping the opinion of the masses.
The Overton Window works as an indicator of a situation that was not accepted by society at one time, but after some time, becomes the norm.
It is, unfortunately, a war on two fronts: the cultural and, of course, the spiritual, where the left is, perhaps even more so, working.
Change is needed as the Brazilian Supreme Court has gone beyond the limitations of its duties, taking on executive and legislative matters.
We need to use every ounce of strength to get four more years of Trump and Bolsonaro because that is the only hope for the two countries.