For the past several weeks, Trump supporters in California have been gathering every Saturday at 3 pm on the lawn of the Beverly Hills park on Santa Monica and Canon Drive. For hours, we stand up for our beloved President Donald Trump and the first family by cheering and using megaphones.
My friend Gina Bisignano, a small business owner, told me about the Beverly Hills Freedom Rally and we attended the first one together. Months before the Beverly Hills rally, we attended the Los Angeles Freedom Rally on the steps of City Hall. The original Los Angeles Freedom Rally has moved into Beverly Hills by making the park it’s permanent home every Saturday until Trump is re-elected.
We are all-inclusive and welcome everyone to come with an open mind and a big heart. No bullies here. We encourage diversity and free-thinking. If you have questions about the President, we ask you to come out with your open mind and a big heart and just start talking to someone and ask them why they think the way they do. We are raising awareness and heightening our vibrations!
Trump’s Accomplishments
Many supporters will mention the Future Act which funds historically black universities and colleges for the next ten years – by making $255 million permanent annual STEM funding – or the First Step Act, which freed over 3000 inmates from jail, over 91% of them being black.
President Trump also allocated $6 billion dollars to help fight the opioid crisis. He signed to make CBD hemp legal nationwide, which allows research to be done on its benefits. He signed to make gag orders on big pharma illegal so they have to disclose ways we can save money on medications. Healthcare providers have to disclose costs upfront. He created access to HIV prevention with a program called Ready, Set, PrEP, which provides $200,000 annually for uninsured individuals to access HIV prevention.
He appointed the first openly gay cabinet member. He promotes school choice which makes sure no child is stuck in a failing school. He signed to make animal cruelty a federal felony so animal abusers can face tougher crimes. President Trump signed to allocate $10 million dollars a year to clean our oceans and lakes. He then created a 24/7 support hotline for veterans, run by veterans. He also signed for airports to require a safe private place for women to breastfeed their babies. These are just a few reasons why I support our President Trump, but don’t take my word for it: just come and ask the protesters yourself!
Rallying ‘Round the President
With the honking of cars, vans, trucks, and buses as they drive by, people of all races come together to socialize and show our love and support for President Trump. We hold signs, wave flags, laugh, cheer, and even hold prayer circles. The snowball effect is mesmerizing to see as the quiet Trump supporters are silent no more.
We are fed up with the poor condition of our beautiful state by the mismanagement of Governor Gavin Newsom, his Auntie Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, VP hopeful Kamala Harris, and pathetic do-nothing Eric Garcetti. So Trump supporters are being fierce, bold, and standing up to the Hollywood cancel culture. It finally feels like home in California.
This Freedom Rally is best described as having regular weekly family picnics at the park. Friends are made, bonds created, and it feels so fantastic to finally have like-minded, spiritually beautiful humans from all races standing up together is just magical. Each week brings out more and more supporters, and it is melting my heart. Katie Hopkins from the UK, who has a huge social media following – including President Trump – attended last week, along with regulars like Stephen Davis (aka Mega Hulk), Errol Webber (who is running for Congress in the 37th District against Karen Bass), and many more.
We get a police escort from the Beverly Hills Police department around 5pm, when we all march a square block around the local restaurants and then back to the park. We are so grateful to the police. We feel very safe and protected, which makes this event every family-friendly. No screaming mob unless BLM or Antifa decides to make an appearance, which has happened a few times, but every time the police are there ready to protect and serve. Last Saturday three Biden supporters showed up and it really resonated with me. My big smile was immediately on my face and I couldn’t stop laughing softly to myself when I looked and saw their side to compare to ours. I immediately imagined November 3rd and how that is exactly how it will look at the polls. This country will bleed red.
Why We Rally
My friend Bisignano owns an eyelash boutique in on Camden Drive Beverly Hills and is very active in the small business community, which is fighting to reopen. We have been friends for years who have stuck it out through the highs and lows because our love for President Trump bonds us. That’s when our friendship went into high gear. We always could read in between the lines of lies and see what the mainstream media wasn’t telling us, and that has been the glue in our friendship. We have been bullied together, and we decided a long time ago that we would not let white liberals destroy our country from the inside like a Trojan horse. We must stand up for our President who brought God back into the equation. Satan has finally left the White House, and God has returned!
This is why it is so important to come out in support. This President is giving America back to its people. The local government of liberal states has been fighting against him, which in turn is against the people! They do not care about us and it is clear is in their lack of action with the fires and homelessness in the state of California, and it’s proven deadly. It is up to its citizens to band together and fight back for our state and country now, or let our state and country to slip into Marxist demise forever.
People, friends, neighbors, family, join together and rally as #WeAreTheRally and stand up for your rights and freedoms in your town, city, and state. This is not a joke or a test anymore. The time is NOW to fight back. We fight by standing up for our constitutional rights. Strength in numbers! This is America, not China, and we are fighters! This a republic, not a monarchy. State laws do not trump the Federal Constitution. Take back your State and we will take back our country!
We are flippin’ California, taking back this country forever and we are very serious. God bless America and God bless President Trump. Trump2020!
Also, stay tuned for my next article on making sure you are all correct with your registration online prior to voting in person, not by mail. We the people vote in person and must fight against voter fraud!

Police escort

- Dodgers Stadium Mass Vaccination Site Shutdown: The Real Story - March 3, 2021
- My Blantifa Neighbor - October 7, 2020
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