To the Left, Even Math is Racist!

Picture a young Isaac Newton, Madame Curie, Henri Poincare, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, or, for that matter, Pythagoras, Euclid, or Archimedes as newly enrolled in a Portland, Oregon grade school.

FBI Uses Its Official Twitter Account To Share A Picture That Infuriates Patriots, The Photo Shows FBI Headquarters With A Raised Pride Flag, Now American Flag

The Federal Bureau Of Investigations raised some eyebrows this week when it made a decision many believe it would have never made if Donald Trump was still in the White House. The department’s official Twitter account announced that it had raised the LGBTQ pride flag at its headquarters, but that is not all.

‘All Lives Matter’: After Derek Chauvin Gets Sentenced To 22.5 Years In Prison, George Floyd’s Brother Sparks Outrage Among Some Activists After Going Off BLM Narrative

The family of George Floyd, who wanted the maximum sentence of 30 years, were nonetheless pleased with the sentencing. But George Floyd’s brother said the three words that drive certain progressives insane after the sentence was rendered.

The Antidote to Anarcho-Tyranny

The Left continually plays their hand but gives us the awareness to counteract and win. Winning requires astuteness to turn their own devices against them.

RINOs: The Hypocrisy of Pretend Republicans

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  • Reading time:10 mins read
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RINOs, or Republicans In Name Only, believe they are choosing the lesser of two evils. But are they really siding with conservative principles?

Diversity is Our Weakness

A Harvard study shows that diversity lowers "civic health." Taking a serious look at re-uniting under Judeo-Christian values can bring America back to health.

LIFE Wins a Thrilling Victory

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:7 mins read
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Of the many historic wins in Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp may have just did the most important one. Dealing a death blow to infanticide, the LIFE is now law.

The Evil Side of Good Ole Mayor Pete

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:5 mins read
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Using identity politics to help gain a crowd, Pete Buttigieg attempts to insult Vice President Pence. There seems to be an evil side to good ol' Mayor Pete.

