President Trump’s Alabama Rally: A New Era?
President Donald J. Trump, 45th president of the United States, spoke to a crowd of thousands in Alabama Saturday night. His presence was electrifying.
President Donald J. Trump, 45th president of the United States, spoke to a crowd of thousands in Alabama Saturday night. His presence was electrifying.
As Trump noted in the speech, a telltale sign of a Communist nation is the lack of a free press. All but a few of the media networks suppress coverage of the findings of the Arizona Audit. All but a few media sources publish the shocking revelation of the FBI’s involvement in the January 6th Capitol protest and the fake kidnapping attempt of Governor Whitmer of Michigan, almost wholly perpetrated by the FBI and its informants.
We didn’t just go through an election – it was a pre-scripted scam to merely ascertain how many votes that the Democrat/Globalist/Communist alliance needed to tilt the scales.
A small cabal of privileged elites persuaded Americans to replace God and anoint themselves as the voice of Almighty.
Republican women will be serving in Congress in record numbers this session in what has been dubbed the “Year of the Republican Woman.” These women, who won in record-breaking numbers, ran on an emphatically anti-socialist platforms. Female GOP women Congressional candidates were fired up to run, in part, because of the progressive policies such as defund the police and the Green New Deal pushed by the Democrats and especially of the Squad (AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, and Omar).
There is an eerie resemblance between the Biden/Harris Campaign logo and three red banners symbolizing China's takeover by the Communist Party.
It is, unfortunately, a war on two fronts: the cultural and, of course, the spiritual, where the left is, perhaps even more so, working.
The president announced he will sign an executive order to establish the "1776 Commission" to reestablish an emphasis on patriotic education
Corporations and Democrat politicians support groups promoting the dismantling of the American ideals and socialist redistribution of wealth.
The Marxists and Democrat Party setting up the nation for election fraud. A Biden win means shift toward Chinese domination of global trade.
Today, the United States of America celebrates its 244th anniversary of independence. America, your Independence is over! Whatever belief that you lived in a free country has been obliterated.
With people from all walks, from politicians to university students, extolling the virtues of Socialism, this list of five leaders proves it really is evil.
Taking advantage of a missing Soviet Union, a more Capitalist China and Cuba, teens today are vulnerable to the political snake oil that is Socialism.
When hypocrites overreach, the whole country suffers. We must remind ourselves why the Founding Fathers did not want big government in America.
Statistics Corner examines the viability of a socialistic government, using Venezuela as a model. Capitalism keeps looking better and better.
Uncle Sam has apparently passed away and nobody noticed his funeral procession. Have we traded a distant uncle who helps out occasionally for a Daddy Sam?
Yukong Zhao is a House candidate in the Orlando FL07 district. He knows all too well the horrors of Socialism and Communism and vows to support his constituents and President Donald Trump if elected.
How you can tell Bernie and similar Socialists are pitching a con. Examples of past behaviors and results.
It is time workers begin to look out for their own interests as employees and citizens rather than relying on what union bosses tell them to do.
The impeachment hoax has been around since before Donald Trump took office, taking many different forms. This latest shapeshift is all about Ukraine.