Carla D’Addesi on the Scene at CPAC
Conservatives are the future of America. Annually, the influencers in the movement join together at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC). From February 27 to March 2, 2019, conservatives joined together to celebrate the values that make America great and keep America great. President Donald Trump spoke at CPAC, after his North Korean Summit in Vietnam, for a remarkable two hours where he made a big promise to protect free speech on college campuses. In the midst of this energized environment, Carla D’Addesi showed off her “life tribe” brand called COL1972 and grabbed a few friends to chat with along the way. Let’s dive into D’Addesi’s interviews with Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA, Joe Knopp of Unplanned, and Jen Lawrence of
Carla Interviews Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA
“When confronted with the truth, we get more converts than you can ever imagine.” – Charlie Kirk
We’re talking about human rights. There is no men/ women’s rights.
Charlie Kirk
Charlie Kirk has “hope for the future of our country” while emphasizing the “threats we can’t ignore,” like how “the socialist, atheistic Left is taking a stranglehold on our youth.” He admits, “It is understandable why students fall subject to some of these lies.” He is “blown away” with the power of truth. Kirk says it is most fulfilling when a student walks up to him saying “I used to be a liberal until I heard you.”
Kirk says darkness and light will always battle and “the way to combat the darkness is by repeating the truth in a way that gets people’s attention so it will grow.” He uses social media to reach the millennial crowd. “To tell the truth, I wouldn’t have been able to get to these people in the 1980s.” He sees it as a “blessing” rather than a curse because “we can reach millions instantly.”
For instance, when he tweeted about males competing against females. It got a lot of feedback by talking about true “biological facts on how God made us.” Allowing the competition is an “insult to women.” In addition, Kirk clarifies he is against the inequality of the competition, he is “not saying we can’t still love them.”
“We’re talking about human rights. There is no men/women’s rights.” Rights are to protect individuals…That is what was so brilliant of the American founding.”
On the failure to pass the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act bill, Charlie Kirk managed to hold back disgust to say, “Totally sick. This is not the country I thought I lived in.” He points out, “something the pro-life can do better: We have to love women that have had abortions.” The number is estimated at 10-15 million. We must have “respect for the individual throughout their whole life.”
Bringing the focus onto hypocrisy, Kirk states, “The Left will march in the streets to make sure a murderer doesn’t get killed on death row, yet are perfectly fine with a newborn being slaughtered after a botched abortion.”
Kirk suggests “there should be a nationwide paid advertising marketing campaign – Choose Life.” Attention should be on recognizing women “who chose to bring life into the world.” He compliments D’Addesi’s COL1972 clothing brand that celebrates life and makes life glamorous. Kirk wonders where “the pro-life money goes.” More should be done to promote life.
As for the 2020 presidential election, Charlie Kirk is all-in for President Trump. Detailing the story of how Trump, the man prior to becoming president, turned away from a pro-choice, pro-abortion stance, Kirk lists what Trump, the president, has done for pro-life:
- Defunded Planned Parenthood
- Rescinded Mexico City Policy
- Instituted pro-life judges
- Speaks against pro-abortion society
- Spoke at the Susan B. Anthony dinner
- Spoke via video at March for Life 2019
Kirk believes, “In my lifetime we can push back against this scourge of abortion in our society.”
Carla Interviews Producer Joe Knopp of Unplanned, Premieres March 29, 2019
“You cannot argue with the truth.” – Joe Knopp
After a glowing introduction including his accomplishments, D’Addesi asks Joe Knopp to tell how he became a producer. Knopp was orphaned at age seven and went to a Boys’ Home. Speaking quickly and concisely, he responds “Growing up at Christ Home…couldn’t afford college…joined Air Force and had a finance practice.” Speaking of his childhood mentor, he slows down. One can hear the respect in his voice. They went to the same church. Later, when his mentor became a Warner Bros. producer in Hollywood, “God got his heart and he wanted to do more faith-inspired stories. I was the only finance guy he knew.”
The collaboration successfully produced many projects including: I Can only Imagine and Woodlawn. Knopp “fell in love with the impact stories can have. Even with my own story, as I’ve seen that first hand.” He is “committed from now on to telling true stories.”
When asked how Abby’s book Unplanned became a movie, he relays it was acquired six years ago, but, “didn’t think it was the right time.” Pitching ideas to financial backers, Knopp and his mentor agreed, “If you ever get to the pro-life story, we would support it.”
“What we didn’t know… [is] that the headlines would be what they are what we are seeing. State’s rushing to pass new abortion bills… the most progressive abortion laws… the Senate not being able to even pass the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act a couple of nights ago.” With a release date of March 29th, “This movie is coming at a time for people where hopefully, through visual, through emotion, people are going to truly see what they are voting for. Hopefully, it will have an impact.”
Partnering with Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Pennsylvania Family Institute there will be showings in Harrisburg, Reading, and Lancaster. The website shows which movie theaters carry the film.

As a One, Two Punch…God’s Now
Knopp is “praying it’s the beginning of a healing process.” It seems there’s “never a good time to talk about an abortion from 20-30 years ago.” On the other hand, men and women previewers of the movie have come forward with stories. Perhaps a “ripple effect of people sharing their own stories is gonna give permission for others” to do the same. D’Addesi suggests if Norma Leah Nelson McCorvey a.k.a Jane Roe, who is responsible for 22,000 abortions, can find “grace and forgiveness” there is grace for all others who ask for it.
Knopp was asked what projects he has coming up. His reply: “Where the world is today and the issues we are facing as a nation… Knowing politicians are having a hard time getting messages across.” He is thinking about several projects about this country. “Where it began and why it began the way it did, through theatrical story.”
The interview ended with Joe Knopp praising D’Addesi’s COL1972 fashion line as “walking billboards for life.”
Carla Interviews Jen Lawrence of
“We are building it on private land. We are going to private citizens and they are coming to us.” – Jen Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence is the Communications Director for The organization reached a huge milestone for border security and the American will for greater safety. Lawrence details that “Brian Kolfage raised $20 million via a account” for the project. After messages from 300,000 donors saying they “didn’t trust money would go to the wall if sent to the government”, a 501(c)(4) was created. Board Members include Steve Bannon, Eric Prince, John Moran, “Sheriff” Dave Clarke, Brandon Darby, Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza, and Angel Dad Steve Ronnenback.
Lawrence tells the heart-breaking Grant Ronnenbeck story, who was murdered by a criminal illegal alien for a pack of cigarettes. Carla D’Addesi interjects that “Democrats are harboring and protecting illegal aliens and putting every American at risk.” Lawrence said, “We are tired of hearing stories like that. Innocent Americans falling victim to criminal illegal aliens.” Patriots are doing something about it.
“We are building it on private land. We are going to private citizens and they are coming to us.” Asked if any government is part of this project, Lawrence replied that, “$5.2 billion is not enough to do the entire wall.” The organizations is “communicating with people in government and following guidelines” for specifications on how it is to be built and for ours “to meet up with theirs.”
Although the “media tried to say were dead, it’s not true. We are still collecting. We are in planning phase.” Target building start date is April or May 2019. Watch for updates.
- COL1972 Fashion for Life Counters “Abortions Are Essential Masks” - April 22, 2020
- Carla & Co. at CPAC: Interviews Charlie Kirk, Joe Knopp and Jen Lawrence - March 6, 2019
- COL1972: Culture of Life is on the Rise - February 13, 2019
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