What Makes An Expert?
Various media outlets have put forth experts of dubious value discussing medical issues.
Various media outlets have put forth experts of dubious value discussing medical issues.
China has many ways of obtaining our country’s secrets, including using Chinese students as spies. But it doesn’t stop there. A MUST READ.
The FBI is investigating a handful (so far) of Senators for making insider stock trades. They divested stocks that would go down due to Coronavirus, weeks before the public announcement of pandemic.
With the advent of 5G wireless protocols, people are concerned about negative effects. Here are some facts.
In Canada, Trudeau has used the most recent crime to justify banning an entire array of weapons. Some are arguing he has exceeded his authority.
President Trump is doing his job, protecting this country, by closing the borders and pausing immigration.
Americans are footing the bill for many globalist projects around the world, instead of our own country. Perhaps it is time for China to ante up.
As if he could not do any worse as prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau’s missteps continue. His recent ones include pandering to China and WHO.