Barr Testimony A Mockery of Government

Did anyone in the United States of America watch the testimony of Attorney General (AG) Barr yesterday? We should be appalled at the tactics used by the Democrat party. Democrats…

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Sidney Powell, Super Attorney

Attorney Sidney Powell obtained documents exposing the FBI plot to frame General Michael Flynn, resulting in the DOJ’s dismissal of the charges.

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US-China Diplomatic Row Amid Consulate Closure

US orders closure of Chinese consulate in Houston after FBI discovers it is at the center of a massive web of espionage. Worsening US-China relations is expected to have a negative effect on the Chinese and Hong Kong economies.

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The Need to Level Up

It is quite apparent that governments in local municipalities have in fact put themselves in quite the comedic conundrum.  Anywhere there’s a Democrat holding those official positions, they’ve allowed it,…

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