No Rooms To Rent: Donald Trump Closes the United States
President Trump is doing his job, protecting this country, by closing the borders and pausing immigration.
President Trump is doing his job, protecting this country, by closing the borders and pausing immigration.
Americans are footing the bill for many globalist projects around the world, instead of our own country. Perhaps it is time for China to ante up.
False positives skew any data about what’s really happening with the coronavirus. We would get a better result focusing on helping those likely to get it severely.
In order to truly exit the deal known as the JCPOA, Donald Trump must end the waiver program. This is the last step in truly getting rid of a bad deal.
As if he could not do any worse as prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau’s missteps continue. His recent ones include pandering to China and WHO.
MSM bias is bad enough for political reasons. When it extends to medical information it is more harmful.
There’s a saying that in parts of Asia, if it walk, crawls, flies or swims, it’s in a meat market. Not far from the truth, though in some areas there it’s changing.
In a bold move, President Donald Trump halts WHO funding. This comes after WHO seems compicit in a Chinese coverup as the world fights the Wuhan COVID-19.