Son of the Republic: Washington’s Prophetic Vision, Part 2
According to old soldier, God revealed to George Washington that 3 perils would come upon the Republic, the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the last has yet to occur.
According to old soldier, God revealed to George Washington that 3 perils would come upon the Republic, the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the last has yet to occur.
According to a soldier that witnessed Washington's telling directly, he saw a prophetic vision that greatly affected him.
December is a huge month for anniversaries of various events in American History.
Veterans Day commemorates our military men and women, those still with us and those that have passed, for keeping Americans safe and free. Thank you Veterans!
A House Divided We have not been this divided as a nation since pre-Civil war times. The rhetoric and garbage flowing from the mainstream media does little, if anything, to…
The Beginning of the American Republic The year was 1789 and America was on the precipice of becoming a great nation. It was the year that would see George Washington…
Our founding Fathers knew about semi-automatic weapons when they wrote the second amendment. The public needs to be educated!