Every father’s dream is to have a son, and it was no different for Billy Inman. He wanted someone to carry on the family name, to pass traditions on to. Dustin was a dream come true. One time, Dustin told his parents he wanted ten kids. Listening to his son’s plans for his life, Inman made a few of his own. To do all the fun things a grandfather does, and to grow old with his family.
Dustin Inman was an only child. His mother, Kathy, says he was her whole world. Dustin was shy, and prone to bullying for it. His dad recalls being called to the school to get him because one student pushed him a bit too far. Billy says that is because although he looked like his mother, he was just like his dad.

Fathers and Sons
On Father’s Day weekend, just after Dustin’s 16th birthday, the Inmans set out on a memorable outing of three generations of Inmans. Kathy’s parents were also going to be there. The plan was to spend the weekend in the mountains. A little fishing and a whole lot of good fun was just what the doctor ordered for family time.
But that dream weekend turned into a nightmare in the blink of an eye. Sitting at a stop light in Gilmer County, the Inmans were rear-ended by a vehicle traveling 62 mph. Behind the wheel sat Gonzalo Harrell Gonzalez, an illegal alien. There was a Bronco in front of the Inman’s car. That car served to fold the Inman’s car into a giant accordion when it was violently shoved from behind and propelled into it.
…the Inmans learned their son’s killer fled to Mexico.

Dustin and the family’s beloved pet were gone in an instant. That quickly, all of Billy Inman’s dreams were brutally slayed. Kathy suffered catastrophic injuries they are still dealing with today, and Billy himself was in critical condition. Gonzalez suffered minor injuries and was also taken to the hospital. And this is where things got weird.
Asleep at the Wheel?
Gonzalez claimed through an interpreter that he had fallen asleep at the wheel. Because of that, doctors ran blood alcohol and narcotics tests. These tests were said to have found nothing. Then, because he had been in that type of accident, they thought it prudent to check his head for hidden injuries. Of course, they found nothing.
When Gonzalez began to complain of stomach pain, doctors immediately called for more exams. But there wasn’t a gastroenterologist there. He had to be transported to a different hospital. From there, Gonzalez simply got up and walked out.
Devastating News
The Inmans were air lifted to an Atlanta hospital in critical condition. No one knew if they would make it. Billy had a closed brain injury that put him out for two weeks. It was only when he awoke that he found out his only son didn’t make it.
Kathy Inman suffered a traumatic brain injury that put her in a coma for five weeks. Doctors believed if she lived through it, she would be a vegetable. When she awoke, she found out that she was partially paralyzed. She had to endure 10 years worth of surgeries. But what hurts the most is the death of her son.
Kathy says “He was my life. I carried him for nine months, and they took him from me. It’s killing me.” Kathy tells us she cries every day. She is also in pain every day from her injuries. The night before her New Right Network (NRN) interview, Kathy suffered four different seizures.

Saying Goodbye
Billy and Kathy Inman were fighting for their lives when their son was buried. They missed his funeral, and family members had to make all the decisions. Billy tells NRN no one knew whether or not either himself or Kathy would live. As a result, they never got to say goodbye to their only son.
In the meantime, Gonzalez was on the run. Strangely enough, Gilmer county took a year and a half to issue a provisional warrant. They received a reply from the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 3 hours. The DOJ told them there was nothing they could do. By that time, Gonzalez had fled to his native Mexico, and was not eligible for extradition.
A Broken System
Not only was Gonzalo Harrell Gonzalez able to hide in America for a number of years, he was also able to function the way a legal citizen would. Gonzalez had two social security numbers, neither of which were his. He carried two bogus green cards as well. But it is his driver license that is the most troubling. Gonzalez was able to get a valid North Carolina driver license. Back then, all you needed was proof of residency, such as a water bill.
This is what allowed Gonzalez to purchase the car he had plowed into the Inman’s brand new Grand Am. And this was six months after he was involved in a finder bender in Gainesville, Georgia. While there were no fatalities in that minor incident, if the Police had jurisdiction to enforce immigration laws, Gonzalez would have been taken off Georgia’s streets in 1999. And Dustin would be alive.
Another Shot at Justice?
It took two years for anyone to even write a newspaper article about Billy Inman’s case. And National media has not picked it up despite all the people who got involved. In 2006, a Gonzalez was found in Birmingham, Alabama, who it turns out was Gonzalo’s brother. He is also an illegal. Through him, the Inmans learned their son’s killer fled to Mexico.
No one expects Mexico to ever extradite Gonzalez. The official line is that what happened to the Inmans was not considered a crime in Mexico because Gonzalez lacked intent. So, Mexico’s laws were the guide to whether or not Gonzalez was ever punished for his crimes. Billy remembers telling officials “It didn’t happen in Mexico! It happened here! And he intended to crank up that car; he intended to be here illegally!”

Time to Take Action
The Dustin Inman Society was formed by D.A. King shortly after he met the Inmans. It’s mission is to secure American borders and enforce existing American laws. Billy says if the existing laws on immigration were enforced, we wouldn’t need a wall. Shockingly, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) labeled The Dustin Inman Society a hate group. From the SPLC:
“The Dustin Inman Society is a Georgia-based anti-immigrant hate group founded and led by activist D.A. King. The Southern Poverty Law Center lists it as an anti-immigrant hate group because it denigrates immigrants and supports efforts to make the lives of immigrants so hard that they leave on their own—a tactic known as ‘attrition through enforcement.’ “
Billy Inman created the website Legal American Folks. The website focuses on telling Inman’s story and gaining justice against the man who killed his son, as well as telling other angel stories. It is also useful in finding out how to report an illegal alien to ICE. Billy says he had to get a friend to build it, because he isn’t really very technology savvy.
Several counties in Georgia now have legislation which gives local police jurisdiction to enforce immigration laws, thanks to the Inman story. The State of North Carolina has amended laws concerning I.D. to demand better proof of residency. Not much else has been done, says Billy. The Angel Dad says he thinks it is a shame it took Donald Trump to get the nation to look at cases like his. These things should have been addressed decades ago.
You Can Help
Billy Inman wants other Americans to get involved. He says there are too many good people doing absolutely nothing. He wants something done before what happened to his family happens to you. Billy feels like a failure because not only was he unable to protect his family, he was also unable to gain justice for them. He feels “beat and wore out” due to the constant strain of Kathy’s injuries. The fact he cannot work but three days a week makes things very hard for him.
Kathy must see a doctor at least twice a week for her injuries. Billy says she isn’t nearly as healthy as she needs to be, and he is trying his best to give her what she needs. He says he loved being Dustin’s dad, because he was a great kid. There is a hole in Billy Inman’s heart that he feels will never be healed. Only with the capture and prosecution of Gonzalo Harrell Gonzalez can he turn the page on a 19 year tragedy he still deals with daily. He has a message for Gonzalez.
“Gonzalo, I hope you remember what you did. Because I sure do. And it is not over.”
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