Celebrating Life During Right to Life Month
Pro-Life Movement Brings Hope
It’s National Right to Life month and that means it’s time for the world’s largest pro-life event, March for Life. This year’s march starts on January 18, 2019, at 1 p.m. at Washington, D.C. This epic march down the National Mall speaks volumes for the protection of all life, especially the unborn. This year’s rally theme is the pro-science position: DNA is determined at day one. Check marchforlife.com for local marches in just about every state from N.Y. to L.A.
The annual March for Life is always very well attended with Republican elected officials addressing the crowd. President Trump and Vice President Pence spoke at the event last year. Ben Shapiro, Dr. Alveda King and many others are slated to speak this year. The entire event sends a powerful message to unite and stand up against the horror of abortion on demand. One can only hope the Mainstream Media will give this important event the same attention it gives liberal marches, but don’t bet on it.
Tragic Losses of Legalized Abortion
According to California Life Council, “Planned Parenthood killed 321,384 babies last year. Planned Parenthood has killed over 7.6 million babies since it legally began performing abortions in 1973 following the Roe v. Wade decision.”
60 million unborn children have been aborted in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade.
This constitutes a national crisis, yet the Democratic Party wants the taxpayer to continue to fund abortions almost without restriction, including subsidize Planned Parenthood. The Democrats also made abortion a litmus test for Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, as they do for virtually all judicial nominees. Given the current status of federal law, the pro-life movement, while strong, has not yet put a stop to the relentless abortion industry.
Genocide in America and Overseas
Nothing short of a tragedy, America continues to fund not only abortion in this country but overseas as well. Breitbart reports a burgeoning loss of life due to abortion worldwide, “Abortion was the number one cause of death worldwide in 2018, with more than 41 million children killed before birth, Worldometers reports.”
Despite the Left’s alleged concern for minority rights, in 2017 Louis Brown stated, “Seventeen million African Americans, it’s shown, that probably have been aborted since Roe v. Wade.”
In a 2016 report via Life News, using data from 2009 (the latest year for which all the relevant information is available), “Disturbingly, among African Americans, abortions made up 61.1 percent of total deaths; among Hispanics, they accounted for 64 percent.” This is an important statistic to remember for all communities this month.
Keep this in mind the next time you hear a leftist say Roe v. Wade is settled law. Norma McCorvey a.k.a. Jane Roe, the plaintiff of Roe v. Wade, switched to ‘pro-life’ and regretted her abortion and central involvement in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade. This sobering story proves that terminating a pregnancy should be viewed with the seriousness with which it deserves.
A Marist Poll released this morning shows a majority of Americans believe that abortion should occur only in limited circumstances. Success continues at the state level in enacting pro-life legislation that extends protections to unborn children and provides assistance to their mothers. Fortunately, in President Trump, America has a pro-life president who stands up for all lives, both the born and the unborn. He has supported the pro-life movement as has Vice President Pence. Among other things, President Trump has even appointed pro-life neurobiology professor Dr. Maureen Condic to the National Science Board. Science is increasingly proving that life begins at conception.
With God’s help, society will continue to turn against the evil that is abortion on demand. This Friday, head over to Washington D.C.’s National Mall or to a local March for Life rally and take a strong stand for life.
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