America and the Division Within

A House Divided We have not been this divided as a nation since pre-Civil war times. The rhetoric and garbage flowing from the mainstream media does little, if anything, to…

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How the Left Killed the American Dream

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness The American dream is the foundation of the world's greatest superpower and the freest democracy in the world. It begins with the Declaration…

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Space Force: The New Military Frontier

A New Age of Conflict The U.S. President instructed the Department of Defense and the Pentagon yesterday to begin the process of establishing the sixth branch of the U.S. military,…

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Human Trafficking: The European Perspective

Modern Day Slavery Despite slavery being abolished in the 19th Century, modern slavery and human trafficking are a significant problem in the West. In America, a person is trafficked every…

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Healthy Conservatives Make a Happy Country

The Downside of a Thriving Free Market With a thriving free market system, there are obviously some negatives. Some examples of these negatives are an overabundance of material goods, producing…

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Being Conservative: The Struggle

It Is Difficult Being a Conservative It is difficult being a conservative, mainly because it is an often misused term. We are fewer than Republicans at large and are often…

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