Survival of the Western Way of Life

A battle has begun, a fight for the survival of the western way of life. We are forced to make a choice to fight once again for our freedom, in the last bastion of hope in the world for our way of life.

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July in American History: Part II

President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorizes “In God We Trust” as the US national motto. This replaced the original US motto, “E Pluribus Unum,” which had been the traditional motto since 1782.

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Vendetta: The Department of Education Begins its Assault on Private Schools

As a nation, we cannot allow the DOE to pick favorites based on the political machinations of the current president. Just because Elizabeth Warren and AOC, both of whom Biden is afraid of, want to eliminate for-profit and private colleges, is is not a reason to destroy colleges that are helping students.

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