Trump’s Rally in Alabama for July 4th is Canceled – And Supporters Will NOT be Happy With The Reason Why

From Conservative Brief:

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Donald Trump’s upcoming rally in Alabama has been canceled and the reason is quite ridiculous.

According to NBC 15, park commissioners in Alabama reportedly scuttled a speaking appearance for Trump over concerns the rally would devolve into a “partisan political event.”

Trump’s office requested a permit for the event to take place on Saturday (July 3rd) at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile.

Park commission Chairman Bill Tunnell said in a statement that subsequent contact by the “Republican Party” caused the commission to cancel the event.

“After the request was made, then there was contact with the Republican Party. They contacted us, and then it became apparent that it was going to be a partisan political event rather than just a patriotic event planned for that evening,” Tunnell said.

Tunnell tried justifying his decision by claiming that a 2012 presidential campaign rally for former Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Rick Santorum “was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

“That’s when the commission went to the no partisan politics, open to the public.”

Local Tea Party activist Pete Riehm told WMTV that some people just didn’t want Trump to speak at the event, adding that the cancellation raises concerns about freedom of speech.

“I’ll be honest, I feel some people just didn’t want it, not just it but President Trump,” he said. “If people can’t assemble in public places, where can we assemble?”

Trump held a rally last week and spiked the football on all of the things that he was correct about.

His first rally of what is considered the 2022 campaign season occurred on Saturday and the 45th President of the United States wasted no time laying into the Biden administration and the effects of its policies.

“After just five months the Biden administration is already a complete and total catastrophe. I told you. Crime is surging, murders are soaring, police departments are being gutted, illegal aliens are overrunning the borders,” Trump said.

“Nobody’s ever seen anything like it. Our poor borders. They were so perfect, they were so good. Drug cartels and human traffickers are back in business like they’ve never been before. They’re doing numbers that they’ve never even thought possible,” he said.

Sadly, he is correct. Police are resigning and retiring nationwide, crime is surging and the migrant crisis is at its breaking point.

“Gas prices are spiking, inflation is skyrocketing and China, Russia and Iran are humiliating our country. Joe Biden is destroying our nation right before our very own eyes,” Trump said.

“The number one priority for everyone who wants to save America is to pour every single ounce of energy into winning a giant victory in the midterms and in 2024,” he said.

“Immediately upon taking office, Joe Biden deliberately and systemically … dismantled America’s border defenses and incited a flood of illegal migrants like this country has never seen. They violated our laws from every single corner of the globe,” he said.

“This was the scam of the century and this was the crime of the century. We’re never going to stop fighting for the true results of this election. … Remember I’m not the one trying to undermine American democracy. I’m trying to save American democracy,” Trump said.

“Who the hell knows what’s going to be in 2024? We won’t even have a country left. We’re not going to have a country left! And if we don’t figure it out we’re not going to be in a position to win in 2022 or 2024. … They used COVID in order to cheat. They used COVID in order to rig the election. They used COVID in order to steal the election. They used COVID. That’s a simple as it gets,” he said.

And then he hinted at his possible plans for 2024.

“We won the election twice and it’s possible we’ll have to win it a third time. It’s possible,” he said.

The post Trump’s Rally in Alabama for July 4th Cancelled For Absurd Reason appeared first on Conservative Brief.


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Alexandra Brinkley
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