Watch: Russell Brand Exposes ‘Trusted News Initiative’ Behind Big Tech & UK Gov Collusion to Silence Him

  • Post category:News / US News

Embattled actor and social commentator Russell Brand broke his silence Friday calling out the UK government for collaborating with the media and Big Tech to censor him.

In a post to X, Brand – who’s been smeared with sexual assault claims in the mainstream media – noted, “By now you’re probably aware that the British government have asked Big Tech platforms to censor our online content and that some online platforms [YouTube] have complied with that request.”

Independent video platform Rumble published a letter it received from the UK government this week asking them to demonitize Brand’s content.

“What you may not know is that this happens in the context of the Online Safety Bill — a piece of UK legislation that grants sweeping surveillance and censorship powers – and it’s a law that’s already been passed,” Brand points out.

Brand next highlights the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), a project headed to the BBC that aims to unite “trusted” news groups (AP, AFP, BBC, CBC, Financial Times, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, The Nation Media Group, Meta, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters) behind an effort to “tackle disinformation.”

“Now as if often the case when a word like ‘trusted’ is used as part of an acronym to describe an unelected body, ‘trust’ is the last thing you should be offering,” Brand says.

“The TNI is a collaboration between Big Tech and legacy media organizations to target, control, choke and shut down independent media organizations,” he says.

Brand goes on to underscore a quote from a TNI member who once stated, “Because actually the real rivalry now is not between for example the BBC and CNN globally, it’s actually between all trusted news providers and…digital platforms.”

Despite the recent attacks, Brand says he defiantly plans to press forward on the Rumble video platform, and will continue exposing the suppression of free speech, the military industrial complex’s profitable war machine, Big Pharma’s influence on government policy and its evasion of liability, and more.

Infowars host Alex Jones has indicated he stands behind Brand in the face of the false allegations.

“The matrix is coming after Russell Brand. Anybody that challenges the globalists, anybody that challenges Big Pharma, anybody that’s popular that comes out against the establishment is gonna be accused of assaulting women,” Jones said in a recent video.

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