Here We Go Again: 1,000 Illegals Invade El Paso

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More than 1,000 illegal aliens were apprehended this week during another coordinated invasion of El Paso, Texas, according to authorities.

The latest mass crossing into the Texas border city unfolded on Wednesday.

“Over 1,000 migrants, mostly from Venezuela, surrendered themselves to USBP agents in El Paso, TX after making an illegal entry into the U.S.,” explained Anthony Good, chief of U.S. Border Patrol’s (USBP) El Paso Sector.

“USBPs authority to expel migrants under Title 42 & place migrants under Title 8 removal proceedings has NOT changed.”

Good shared photos of huge groups of illegal migrants being overseen by USBP agents near the international border barrier.

While many of the migrants reportedly surrendered to U.S. authorities, some attempted to evade law enforcement, according to NewsNation correspondent Ali Bradley.

The incursion was reportedly triggered when rumors began circulating on social media that migrants who entered the U.S. via a specific gate would be allowed to stay in the U.S.

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“Groups of Venezuelan migrants began to cross the border in between the ports of entry in El Paso after a protest was conducted this afternoon,” CBP said in a statement.

“The size of the groups is between 20-30 migrants each with approximately 1,000 total surrendering to U.S. Border Patrol agents in El Paso. El Paso Sector surged additional agents and the migrants are being processed in an orderly manner.”

It is unclear how many of the migrants who entered El Paso on Wednesday have been expelled from the country at the time of this writing.

Massive groups consisting of 500 or more people have swarmed the El Paso area on multiple occasions during the Biden border crisis.

Chaos unfolds constantly along the U.S.-Mexico border, as Infowars regularly reports.

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