COVID Policy: Outrage Upon Travesty Upon Falsehood—Part 2

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Today, I promised to tell you more about the government’s phony COVID narratives and misguided policies, and how they hurt people.

The whole vaccine thing was as phony as a three-dollar bill.  This was not the bubonic plague; only a tiny percentage of the population was affected by COVID.  There was no fire.  But the government jumped into the vaccine game with two feet and paid media outlets a billion dollars to hype the vaccines.  But what we didn’t know until recently was that Trump COVID advisor Dr. Deborah Birx – the scarf lady – now admits to deliberately lying about the COVID vaccines to manipulate the American people.  “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines …,” she said.  She also admitted to disobeying orders and altering reports to change the guidance that was being given from the government.

She’s not the only one lying through her teeth about COVID.  More people are admitting what I told you a long time ago – that hospitals are overcounting the number of COVID deaths.  For those of you who won’t believe it until you read it in the Washington Post, it’s now in the Washington Post:  Hospitals have been failing to distinguish between deaths FROM COVID and deaths WITH COVID, wildly inflating the death count and needlessly panicking the public, as a result.

More lies were found in emails.  State and local officials in Washington state knew COVID vaccinations were not as effective at stopping the spread of the virus as they were making them out to be.  But they went right ahead with their narratives and mandates, anyway.

There were others telling the American people bedtime stories about COVID – prestigious university professors and Twitter (until recently) among them.  A participant at the World Health Summit in October admitted the lockdowns “were not based on science,” but were just in reaction to events.  He also admitted the vaccines don’t stop COVID from spreading.  Another official not ‘following the science’ was Mr. ‘I Am Science’ himself, Dr. Anthony Fauci.   He said in a deposition recently he publicly dismissed the Wuhan lab origin theory of COVID because he was worried the backlash might “increase tensions” with China.  So he made the sophisticated calculus to lie to us for our own good, science be damned.  Tricky guy.  Not exactly straightforward, is he?

Then there’s the whole Ivermectin cover-up.  Federal health officials completely misrepresented the drug’s safety and efficacy against COVID.  If you aggregate all the studies, it’s indisputable Ivermectin cuts COVID mortality in half and is 80 percent effective in preventing symptoms if taken prophylactically.  But the feds were out there telling phony stories and got others to play along.  An HEB grocery store in Texas made up fake side effects to scare people away from Ivermectin.  It will make you go blind and make your intestines fall out, the store said.  How many people died as a result of these deliberate lies, that’s what I want to know.

So why were all these fairy tales told?  I can only speculate about motive.  Maybe it’s as simple as people on the take in government helping drug companies make money on vaccines and expensive treatments.  A Pfizer executive was just caught on tape admitting the drug company is working on mutating COVID through ‘directed evolution’ so vaccines will be needed forever.  Or maybe the explanation is authoritarian government officials getting their jollies by telling the rest of us what to do.  A judge in New York recently shot down the state’s vaccine mandate for health workers, ruling the state and the Governor had overstepped their authority.  There’s also a theory circulating out there the national security establishment – the Defense Department and intelligence agencies – convinced federal health officials we needed a quick way to react to future bioweapon attacks.  The mRNA vaccines were the answer because the platform is already built and all you need to do is put in a new payload each time.   The COVID pandemic was the perfect opportunity to put it all in place.

Whatever motives brought them about, the phony narratives are falling apart.  They can’t hide all the problems with the vaccines.  The truth is coming out, a little more every day, including the more than 33,000 deaths associated with the vaccines in the U.S. alone.  The demand for unvaccinated blood is soaring.  So to all who spun or believed the phony narratives and criticized people like me who questioned them, I say take your certitude and shove it!  You have a lot to answer for.

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The post COVID Policy: Outrage Upon Travesty Upon Falsehood—Part 2 appeared first on Dr. Rich Swier.

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