Mitch McConnell Attacks Proposed Troop Withdrawals

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In the latest example of Senator McConnell’s establishmentarian politics, the Senator attacked proposed troop withdrawals. President Trump had indicated he would lower the number of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan before leaving office. In response to this proposal, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell attacked the idea. McConnell did give President Trump credit for victories over terrorists. However, he also railed against the proposed troop withdrawals. This is despite America’s desire for the troops to come home as also expressed by the new Pentagon chief, Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller.

In his speech, McConnell warned, “The consequences of a premature American exit would likely be even worse than President Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq….”. Additionally, the Senate Majority leader warned that a retreat by the United States “would be broadcast around the world as a symbol of defeat and humiliation and of victory for Islamic extremism.”

President Trump, by contrast, realizes America cannot afford to engage in endless wars. It’s time to bring our troops home. The American people are overwhelmingly tired of endless wars. Many wonder how long is long enough to police a place as far away as Afghanistan. The Senate Majority Leader failed to address that question. Apparently, Senator McConnell has not yet embraced America First.

Seth Segal
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