Questions Without Answers About Ukraine

  • Post category:NewsUS News
  • Reading time:6 mins read
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Ukrainians—and many Europeans and Americans—are defining an envisioned Ukrainian victory as the complete expulsion of all Russians from its 2013 borders. Or, as a Ukrainian national security chief put it,…

Arrest That Man (Donald Trump). Crime to Follow.

  • Post category:NewsUS News
  • Reading time:5 mins read
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Former President Donald Trump, citing “illegal leaks” from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, posted the following on social media: ” … WITH NO CRIME BEING ABLE TO BE PROVEN, &…

The Rise and Fall of ERIC

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:5 mins read
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Recent news shows it’s possible to undo the Democrats’ weaponization of our elections apparatus. Florida, Missouri, and West Virginia joined Louisiana and Alabama in leaving ERIC, the voter registration data clearinghouse conservatives…

