Elon Musk Channels Alex Jones & John McAfee, Fires .50 Cal Rifle From Hip at Texas Ranch

  • Post category:News / US News

X CEO Elon Musk released a video of him firing off a .50 caliber rifle at his Texas ranch on Friday in support of the Second Amendment.

“Hip-firing my Barrett 50 Cal,” Musk wrote on X.

The scene appears to channel Infowars founder Alex Jones and the late tech mogul John McAfee, who in 2013 shot off their own .50 caliber rifles together in the Texas Hill Country.

Rest in peace, McAfee.

And a salute to Musk for supporting the Second Amendment in defiance of the gun-grabbing Democrats!

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Elon Musk Channels Alex Jones & John McAfee, Fires .50 Cal Rifle From Hip at Texas Ranch

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