WATCH: Nevada Rangers Ram Through Climate Protest Blockade

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Nevada Rangers rammed through a “climate change” protest that was blocking traffic near the Burning Man festival in Nevada.

The now-viral footage begins with a Tribal Ranger warning the protesters to get off the road before another ranger drives through the blockade.

“Get off the highway, this is a state route,” said the Tribal Ranger. “Everybody will be arrested if not. 30 seconds, send your leader to my vehicle, let’s talk, get off the fucking road.”

After ramming through the barrier, the ranger gave them one last warning before making multiple arrests.

“I’m gonna take all of you out!” Said the ranger. “You better move!”

Before law enforcement arrived, drivers were demanding the protestors to move:

The congestion caused by the protesters was extensive. It was reportedly the only route to the Burning Man festival.

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More photos of the congestion:

One of the many reasons this encounter became viral is the general public’s fatigue with “climate change” protestors shutting down their way of life.

The group that shut down the road is reportedly called “Seven Circles.”

Social media critics tore into the group:

“Praying for you guys to all get multiple felonies with no plea deal,” said one X user.

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