WAPO Reveals Feds’ Failed Attempts to Tie Alex Jones, Roger Stone to Jan 6

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The Washington Post published a whitewash report that revealed the feds wanted to go after Alex Jones and Roger Stone because Deep State prosecutors baselessly believed they were in “Trump’s orbit” relating to the events of Jan 6.

The article, titled ‘FBI resisted opening probe into Trump’s role in Jan. 6 for more than a year’ detailed the efforts by the DOJ and FBI to establish a task force that focused on investigating popular boogeymen of the left. 

“… A group of prosecutors led by J.P. Cooney, the head of the fraud and public corruption section at the U.S. attorney’s office, argued that the existing structure of the probe overlooked a key investigative angle. They sought to open a new front, based partly on publicly available evidence, including from social media, that linked some extremists involved in the riot to people in Trump’s orbit — including Roger Stone, Trump’s longest-serving political adviser; Ali Alexander, an organizer of the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally that preceded the riot; and Alex Jones, the Infowars host.

Cooney wanted investigators to follow the money — to trace who had financed the false claims of a stolen election and paid for the travel of rallygoers-turned-rioters.

Inside the FBI’s Washington Field Office, agents recognized Cooney’s presentation for the major course change that it presented. Investigators were already looking for evidence that might bubble up from rioter cases to implicate Stone and others. Cooney’s plan would have started agents looking from the top-down as well, including directly investigating a senior Trump ally.”

Naturally, the investigative attempt failed to yield anything and the Washington Post went at length to blame the “bottom-up” methodology of officials (as opposed to Cooney’s “top-down” proposal) and people like U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland for wanting to “appear nonpartisan.”

“The bottom-up approach that had dominated nearly a year of the government’s time had not yielded any significant connection to Trump’s orbit.

‘It had become clear that the odds were very low that “bottom-up” was ever going to get very high,’ said one of those individuals. ‘At some point, there was no ladder from here to there.’”

During Thursday’s edition of The Alex Jones Show, Jones slammed Cooney and others’ attempts to launch the task force.

“I did not discuss January 6 with Trump, I did not discuss the march with Trump,” said Jones. “I had no contact with Trump for a year or more before this.”

“They [Cooney and others] went to Garland [with the task force proposal] and were asked: ‘are you nuts?!’ There’s zero evidence, we have all their phone (records) via subpoenas – there’s zero evidence. Trump did not talk to Roger about this, Trump did not talk to Alex about this.”

“We walked into a trap … and they have the nerve in D.C. to try and frame me, Roger, and Trump for walking into their trap.”

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Indeed, despite the admissions of extreme bias in the DOJ and FBI, the major sentiment of the article is frustration that the left’s choice boogymen “got away” with whatever their “role” was on Jan 6.

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This post WAPO Reveals Feds’ Failed Attempts to Tie Alex Jones, Roger Stone to Jan 6 appeared first on NewsWars.com.

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