‘Are You Intimidated By This?’: Tucker Asks Laptop Repairman About Legal Threats From Hunter Biden’s Lawyers

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‘Are You Intimidated By This?’: Tucker Asks Laptop Repairman About Legal Threats From Hunter Biden’s Lawyers

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The computer repairman who turned over Hunter Biden’s laptop to the FBI and Rudy Giuliani spoke out Thursday after Biden’s lawyers demanded a criminal investigation.

“You really are the little guy in this case,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson, an honorary member of the Daily Caller News Foundation’s board, told John Paul Mac Isaac. “You’re literally a small business owner and you’re being threatened by the family that runs the country. Are you intimidated by this?”

“I’m a little bit but you’ve got to remember, Tucker, I’ve been dealing with intimidation from all fronts over the last couple of years so I’ve kind of gotten used to it,” Mac Isaac told Carlson. “This isn’t as bad as being accused as a traitor and working with Russia to affect an election, but it’s pretty close.”


Attorneys for Biden admitted Thursday that the data from the laptop was authentic when they asked the Department of Justice to investigate Mac Isaac and Rudy Giuliani, who served as an attorney for former President Donald Trump, accusing them of violating federal law. The New York Post reported on the contents of the laptop in October 2020, and the DCNF confirmed the authenticity of some of the contents that month.

“I assume you didn’t want to take possession of these devices, correct?” Carlson asked Mac Isaac.

“No, absolutely. I mean, I’m in the business to recover data or repair and fix these products and I want to get paid for these jobs, and I didn’t,” Mac Isaac said.

The Washington Post and New York Times confirmed the authenticity of the data in March 2022 in articles about investigations into Hunter Biden by the Department of Justice.

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“When I read the letters, I was appalled, Mac Isaac’s attorney,” Brian Della Rocca, told Carlson. “This is really someone with so much money or acting like they have a lot of money going after someone who is really the little guy and he’s doing it on purpose. He’s trying to intimidate and it’s interesting to me that this happened when it did. Because as you may know we filed a lawsuit against numerous parties, against CNN, Politico, but one of the parties was Hunter Biden.”

“It was very difficult to find where he was, you know, he was in D.C. for a couple of weeks, and he was moving around,” Della Rocca told Carlson. “Well, we finally tracked him down and we were able to serve him last week and now all of a sudden, we see this.”

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s attorney, did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the DCNF.

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