‘Real’ Meat Grown In Steel Vats Served At UN Climate Conference

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‘Real’ Meat Grown In Steel Vats Served At UN Climate Conference

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Individuals attending the United Nations COP27 climate conference who want to eat a climate-friendly diet can consume meat that is grown in steel vats.

Although world leaders and officials can enjoy Angus beef and other pricey meals in COP27’s VIP zone, some attendees at Egypt’s climate summit were also able to eat “cultivated chicken” that is artificially grown from animal cells by GOOD Meat, according to a company press release. “Cultivated chicken” is made by harvesting chicken cells from the animal or its egg which are then put into a steel “cultivator” that provides energy and warmth to help grow the product, according to GOOD Meat’s website.

“Lab-grown meat may be an even more disgusting alternative than insects as it requires stem cell extraction of animals along with fetal animal blood and then letting it fester in a lab while an amorphous blog grows the ‘meat,’” Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot and former senior staffer on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Cultivated” meat has the potential to substantially reduce carbon emissions that are produced by food production, according to UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The UN also aims to “minimize emissions per calorie” and to reduce meat consumption in order to limit the climate “impacts” of agriculture, according to a COP27 food security document.

Although GOOD Meat is attempting to bring down costs by forming partnerships within the food industry and ramping up production, it has not made profits by selling “cultured chicken” for the same price as conventional chicken in Singapore, Andrew Noyes, global communications vice president of Eat Just, GOOD Meat’s parent company, told the DCNF.

GOOD Meat has already begun supplying restaurants in Singapore with “cultivated chicken” products and opened a large facility that is capable of producing massive quantities of lab-grown meat, according to a June press release.

GOOD Meat’s chicken is more climate-friendly as it can be grown in just a few weeks and takes fewer resources to produce, according to Noyes. Additionally, the company only grows the parts of the animal that will be eaten rather than an entire animal.

“A series of historic dining experiences … will showcase GOOD Meat’s real, high-quality meat made from animal cells for the first time outside of the Southeast Asian city-state,” the GOOD Meat new release reads.

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The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change did not immediately respond to the DCNF ‘s request for comment.

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