How Catholics Can Urge Republicans to Change their Marriage Vote

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CV NEWS FEED // CatholicVote is calling on Catholics to contact the 12 Republican senators who voted with Democrats to advance the so-called Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA) in the Senate.

These 12 Republicans, whose names and office phone numbers are below, “betrayed their constituents” by voting for the “radical Democrat-backed bill to redefine marriage and attack the religious freedom of those who still believe in marriage between a man and a woman,” CatholicVote stated in an email to Catholics in 10 states.


Readers can contact the Republican senators who might be persuaded to change their vote to a No either by phone or via CatholicVote’s Quorum page.

Roy Blunt of Missouri, (202) 224-5721

Richard Burr of North Carolina, (202) 224-3154

Thom Tillis of North Carolina, (202) 224-6342

Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, (202) 224-6472

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Susan Collins of Maine, (202) 224-2523

Joni Ernst of Iowa, (202) 224-3254

Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, (202) 224-3424

Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, (202) 224-6665

Dan Sullivan of Alaska, (202) 224-3004

Rob Portman of Ohio, (202) 224-3353

Mitt Romney of Utah, (202) 224-5251

Todd Young of Indiana, (202) 224-5623

Senators usually ask for feedback from citizens from their own state, so it is imperative that Catholics in these 10 states contact their senators as soon as possible, said CatholicVote Communications Director Joshua Mercer.

RFMA goes further than simply codifying “same-sex marriage” into law, CatholicVote’s Erika Ahern reports: 

It would mandate every state to recognize any and all marriages contracted in other states. But not just same-sex “marriages.” Any legal “marriage.” 

Of greatest concern to Catholics, the religious freedom “protections” included in the Senate version of the bill are utterly inadequate. 

CatholicVote Director of Government Affairs Tom McClusky wrote: 

It merely states an insincere recognition of religious liberty and conscience rights, but it does not offer any meaningful protections for those rights. This leaves Catholic individuals and institutions vulnerable to countless lawsuits. Catholic schools, Catholic Charities and other institutions of faith will be vulnerable to multiple lawsuits and government harassment that could threaten their tax-exempt status and ability to serve the public.


“The Senate still has to vote on this awful bill at least two more times,” said McClusky. “The Republican senators who voted to advance it must be convinced to change his vote!” 

The post How Catholics Can Urge Republicans to Change their Marriage Vote appeared first on CatholicVote org.

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