‘Breathe Like A Baby’: New York Times Offers Its Readers Advice For ‘Election Stress’

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‘Breathe Like A Baby’: New York Times Offers Its Readers Advice For ‘Election Stress’

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The New York Times gave readers advice for weathering election-related anxiety in a Tuesday evening tweet.

The outlet offered readers advice on reducing their anxiety which included breathing techniques and advice to go on a walk, take a dip in cold water or limit screen time. The tweet came on the night of elections, with an expected tsunami of Republican victories in races nationwide.

“Elections and anxiety often go hand in hand,” the tweet read. “Try breathing like a baby. Focus on expanding your belly as you breath, which can send more oxygen to the brain.”

“Trace the outside of your hand with your pointer finger. When you trace up, breathe in, and when you trace down, breathe out,” the tweet advised. “Even a walk around the block can offer some relief for an uneasy mind.”

The outlet may have been aiming to help their largely liberal audience cope with projected losses for Democrats: analysts are predicting that Republicans will take the House, and several blue states are have tight gubernatorial races in which a Republican could win.

The NYT did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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