Pro-Abortion Case Just Got Weaker

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The case for abortion just got weaker.  How do I know?  Because leading abortion advocates are out there saying the most ridiculous things.  Take Stacey Abrams, for example, the woman who thinks she’s Governor of Georgia.  She claimed in a video that surfaced last week that, “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks.”  She went on to say what sounds like a heartbeat is just a “manufactured sound” invented by the patriarchy to control women’s bodies.  In this latter claim, she is echoing other abortion advocates who have claimed ultrasound machines produce the sound on their own, generated from what is just ‘electrical activity’, not a functional heartbeat.

Experts beg to differ.  The Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and the authoritative Merck medical manual have all stated there is a heartbeat by six weeks.  “The heart begins to pump fluid through blood vessels by day 20,” the Merck Manual states.  That’s the definition of a heartbeat – “cardiac tissue contracting to pump blood through the circulatory system.”   The Mayo Clinic and Planned Parenthood recently scrubbed their websites to remove any reference to a heartbeat, with Planned Parenthood now claiming ultrasound machines produce the sound on their own.  Sure, and I’m the tooth fairy.  Not a good look, changing your story like that.

Stacey Abrams joins other abortion advocates who have said the most preposterous things about killing babies in the womb.  A feminist said last year abortion is an “act of love” when it allows a mother to take better care of her other children.  And when the going gets tough in the future, will it be OK to kill those children, too?  Why not?  How’s it any different?

We also know the case for abortion is getting weaker because advocates are censoring contrary information they don’t want you to hear.  YouTube has started censoring videos containing truthful information about the links between abortion and breast cancer, as well as abortion and infertility.

We also know the case for abortion is getting weaker because, after having lost in the court of public opinion and in the Supreme Court, abortion advocates are using their temporary control of the federal government to push abortion every way they can.  Joe Biden signed an executive order to that effect in July.   Among other federal acts, VA hospitals are now performing abortions in states where it is outlawed.  The White House would not rule out building abortion clinics on federal land, if that’s what it takes to provide abortions in every state.  Biden’s immigration authorities are steering illegal aliens to states where abortion is legal, violating a federal law which prohibits the use of taxpayer money to facilitate the procedure.

We also know the case for abortion is weak because apostates continue to leave the abortion industry to tell the truth about what really goes on there.  A former Planned Parenthood clinic director facilitated 22,000 abortions during her time there, but left to become an anti-abortion activist.  She now regrets telling expectant mothers their babies would not feel pain while being torn apart, and otherwise duping women into abortions they didn’t really want.  But when’s the last time you ever heard of someone leaving the pro-life movement to become an abortion activist?  It doesn’t seem to happen.

It’s been my experience in life that people who make the most hysterical arguments are often rationalizing their desire to do something they know deep down is wrong.  So when Stacey Abrams says there is no fetal heartbeat – the machines are making the sounds – you gotta wonder, what does she really believe deep down inside?

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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The post Pro-Abortion Case Just Got Weaker appeared first on Dr. Rich Swier.

Chris Wright
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