Radical Democrat Pays For Private Security, But Wants You Defenseless

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Where do you even begin with this chick? America hater, antisemite, socialist, creepy authoritarian. It also turns out she pays big bucks for private security, but backs defund the police and gun control. Hypocrite.

Fox: “Rep. Cori Bush has injected nearly $400,000 of campaign funds into private security services while refusing to tone down calls to defund police, federal filings show.

The Missouri Democrat’s campaign dropped $89,265.67 into private security detail throughout the second quarter, according to Federal Election Commission records. The newest security payments were $50,000 more than her campaign’s second-largest expenditure for fundraising services between April 1 and June 30.

Peace Security, whose Facebook page is littered with anti-gun control posts, was the biggest recipient of Bush’s security cash, hauling nearly $60,000 from her campaign. The remaining money went to Courtney Merrits and Nathaniel Davis, whose reported address in the filings is the same as Bush’s campaign headquarters.

Bush has now directed $393,417.67 into private security for the 2022 election cycle as she refuses to tame down calls to defund law enforcement, which Democrats fear will be used against them.”

“I always tell [fellow Democrats], ‘If you all had fixed this before I got here, I wouldn’t have to say these things,’” the ‘Squad’ member told Axios about gun control.

On her use of private security: “They would rather I die?” Bush asked. “You would rather me die? Is that what you want to see? You want to see me die? You know, because that could be the alternative.” Nope. But don’t want to see anybody die from policies she advocates.

Bush said she would ensure she has security because she has had attempts on her life and has “too much work to do…So suck it up, and defunding the police has to happen,” she added. Yes, she’s soooo important.

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On Dobbs, more mature objective eloquence:  “To have this far-right extremist, racist, classist, bigoted Supreme Court strike down Roe v. Wade, and for them to make the decision when the majority of the people of this country have said that they don’t want Roe v. Wade overturned for various reasons,” Bush said.

“What we talk about: Is marriage equality next? Is interracial marriage next? What about birth control?” she claimed. “All of those things are now – not only are they on the table, we know that this is, these are things we’ve been hearing about.” She’s lying and she knows it.

Biden backs her up. “We have to codify Roe v. Wade in the law,” Biden told reporters in Madrid. “The way to do that is to make sure that Congress votes to do that. And if the filibuster gets in the way, it’s like voting rights, it should be [that] we provide an exception for this.”

Bush lunacy again. “I’ve been pushing for abolishing the filibuster the entire time I’ve been in Congress, and it was like hitting a brick wall,” Bush told St. Louis on the Air. “And to hear our president now come out and say the same thing … change is happening.”

And Bush wants to see an expansion of the Supreme Court. “It needs to reflect the needs of the majority of the people in this country,” she said. Dear God. Who elected this cretin?

This piece was written by Jim Gunner on July 19, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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The post Radical Democrat Pays For Private Security, But Wants You Defenseless appeared first on Rob Maness.

This RobManess.com article is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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