Hamas, Biden, and Amoral Clarity

One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas’ barbaric murdering of hundreds of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality. More than 20 identity politics groups at Harvard University…

Slavery Poisons Solar Industry’s Supply Chains

Behind those harmless-looking solar panels harnessing the sun’s power lies a disturbing secret: Roughly 80% of solar components are manufactured in China using slave labor. Not only have the buyers of solar panels…

How Was Israel Caught Off Guard by Hamas?

Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, ruthlessly killing more than 1,000 Israelis in the name of their god and in furtherance of their desire for Israel’s land. These savages—as…

Evidence Again Shows Masks Don’t Stop Viruses

As flu—and coronavirus—season approaches, Dr. Anthony Fauci is again saying that wearing face masks protects individuals from spreading the coronavirus. Some colleges and hospitals are reinstating mask mandates. Politics and…

