Border Agents Find 35 Illegals Locked Inside Trailer

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Dozens of illegal migrants were found inside a trailer being towed by a pickup truck in New Mexico last week, according to authorities.

The incident unfolded on June 7 in Anthony, a city near El Paso, Texas.

Border Patrol agents observed the suspicious vehicle stop near a pecan orchard before three suspects exited and ran into the trees, according to information provided to Border Report.

Locked inside the trailer, agents found 35 illegal migrants.

They were identified as citizens of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

According to photos shared by El Paso Sector Chief Anthony Good, the majority of the migrants appear to be male.

“35 MIGRANTS LOCATED INSIDE A BOX TRAILER!” Agent Scott wrote on social media. “As temperatures begin to rise, ruthless smugglers continue place the lives of people in danger.”

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“Incredible job by our agents in identifying & intercepting the smuggling scheme.”

The three suspects who absconded had not been located as of the latest available update.

Authorities in the U.S. and Mexico often find migrants being smuggled inside trailers.

Some of these smuggling attempts end in tragedy, as was the case when nearly 50 illegal aliens died after being trapped in cargo trailer that was abandoned near San Antonio last year.

Chaos unfolds constantly along the U.S.-Mexico border, as Infowars regularly reports.

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