GOP Holds Double-Digit Lead Over Dems On Crime: POLL

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GOP Holds Double-Digit Lead Over Dems On Crime: POLL

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Approximately 20% more registered voters trust Republicans to address crime than Democrats, a final pre-midterms poll by ABC News and Washington Post revealed.

Roughly 54% of the 881 registered voters surveyed said they trust Republicans to handle crime, while just 34% expressed such trust in Democrats, according to the poll conducted from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2. Nearly 69% of likely voters deemed crime an important issue, and Democrats have expressed concern that Republicans’ campaign emphasis on it could spell their defeat in the midterms.

Approximately 56% of respondents to an October Gallup poll said crime in their area had risen compared to the previous year, a higher percentage than any time since 1972, while 78% said crime had gone up nationally.

The estimated overall violent crime rate decreased by about 1% in 2021 compared to 2020, according to the FBI’s recent NIBRS trend analysis report. However, the estimated aggregate national murder volume rose by 4.3% in 2021, after increasing by about 29.4% from 2019 to 2020.

Atlanta, Baltimore, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. have seen violent crime rise in recent years. Several large companies have begun leaving Chicago as the city’s crime issue persists.

Approximately 80%, 77% and 59% of likely voters respectively called the economy, inflation and immigration important issues, according to the ABC News-WaPo poll, which had a 4% margin of error. Republicans lead Democrats in trust among registered voters on all three topics, but trail regarding eduction and schools, threats to democracy, abortion and climate change.

The two parties are running neck-in-neck in Congressional generic ballot polling. Democrats held a roughly 48% to 47% lead in a Nov. 3 to 5 NBC News poll asking likely voters who they would prefer to control Congress after the midterm elections.

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