Black, Hispanic Voters Are Fleeing The Democratic Party For The GOP

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Black, Hispanic Voters Are Fleeing The Democratic Party For The GOP

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Support for Republican candidates has surged among Black and Latino voters, who historically vote overwhelmingly Democratic, recent polls show.

Among black voters, 17% expect to support a Republican candidate this year, compared to 8% in the 2020 and 2018 elections, according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Nov. 1, while Democrats’ lead among Latino voters has fallen from 11 to 5 points since August. Some pollsters think this electoral shift could indicate a broader change in American politics that will hold steady after the 2022 elections.

“I think that this could be a paradigm-shift election, where Republicans are not only making inroads with the Latino vote, but they’re now making inroads with the African-American vote,” John Anzalone, who conducted the survey, told the WSJ. “It is wholly possible that Republicans reach a new high water mark among both African-Americans and Hispanic voters in this election.”

Former President Donald Trump received 32% of the Hispanic vote in 2020, but 40% said they would vote for a Republican this year, according to a recent USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll.

“Democrats have taken the Black community for granted and dropped the ball on messaging to black Americans ,” Janiyah Thomas, RNC Black Media Affairs manager, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Republicans have been making inroads with Black voters by showing up in our communities and listening to Black voters at our RNC community centers. Black America deserves a change in leadership, and that starts on November 8.”

The same trend is holding true in Florida, where 54% of Latino voters support Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, according to an NBC News poll. Voters across the board are focused on inflation and declining economic conditions, which voters overwhelmingly trust Republicans over Democrats to handle.

The Democratic National Committee did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

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