Voters Oppose More Funding for Ukraine War

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A majority of American voters oppose Congress continuing to provide funding and weapons for Ukraine’s war with Russia, according to polling data released Monday and shared with The Daily Signal. By a 44% to 36% margin, Americans want their dollars out of this conflict. 

Of those who identify as Democrats, 52% want continued funding for the Ukraine War while only 17% of self-identified Republicans and 32% of independents say the U.S. should continue funding. 

The Scott Rasmussen National Survey polled 1,000 registered voters from Sept. 25-26. 

More Republican, independent, black, and Hispanic voters opposed additional funding than supported it. Republican opposition sat at 68%, while independents were at 40% (versus 32% who supported more funding). Blacks were 49% in opposition versus 25% in support, and Hispanics were 45% in opposition versus 36% in support. 

The survey also asked voters how they would rate the way President Joe Biden has handled the foreign conflict. Only 26% of independents gave the commander-in-chief excellent or good marks, with 61% rating his Ukraine War policy fair or poor. For Democrats, that ratio was 54% excellent or good to 40% fair or poor, and for Republicans, it was 9% to 85%.  

Overall, 64% of American voters rated the way Biden has handled the foreign conflict as fair or poor, the worst that number has been since Rasmussen began polling on the conflict in February 2022. This includes a 55% majority of black voters and a 69% majority of Hispanic voters. Just 28% of those polled described the commander-in-chief’s handling of the Ukraine War as good or excellent. 

Participants were also asked whether it was more important to keep the United States out of a wider war with Russia or to help Ukraine. By a 65% to 22% margin, voters preferred to keep the United States out of a potential Russian conflict. That margin has increased by 19 percentage points since the same question was put to voters in August and reported by The Daily Signal.  

That opinion was shared across party lines by a majority of Republicans (83%), independents (57%), and Democrats (56%). 

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The margin of error for the poll was +/- 3.1 percentage points. 

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The post Voters Oppose More Funding for Ukraine War appeared first on The Daily Signal.

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