Majority Of Voters Believe Economy Has Worsened Under Biden: POLL

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Majority Of Voters Believe Economy Has Worsened Under Biden: POLL

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Almost 60% of voters believe the economy has declined under President Joe Biden’s administration, according to a Monday poll by The Wall Street Journal.

The poll asked voters how they would assess the economy’s change during the past two years and 58% say it has “gotten worse” while 28% say it has “gotten better,” according to the poll. Only 8% of Republicans state the “economy is in excellent or good condition” while about two-thirds of Democrat-leaning voters believe this.

Moreover, 58% of voters disapprove of how Biden has overseen the economy and 63% were not fans of how he has managed inflation, according to the WSJ poll.

“Bidenomics is working: Unemployment is near historic lows, inflation has fallen about two-thirds, wages are rising, and job satisfaction is at a record high,” White House spokesman Michael Kikukawa told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Our Administration is focused on delivering for the American people and ensuring they know how the President’s agenda is creating jobs and lowering costs.”

During Biden’s presidency, inflation reached a peak of 9.1% in June 2022 after high spending. Inflation dropped to 3.0% in June but ticked up to 3.2% in July, well above the Federal Reserve’s target rate of 2%.

Biden recently bragged that the U.S. has the “strongest economy in the world,” but about 61% of Americans currently live paycheck-to-paycheck.

Another recent poll similarly found that 58% of voters believe that Biden’s policies have “worsened economic conditions,” according to Social Science Research Solutions (SSRS).

Furthermore, 73% of voters believe Biden is “too old” to run for reelection, according to another recent WSJ poll.

Is Biden the ultimate embarrassment to our country?

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The WSJ poll was conducted from August 24 to August 30, consisting of 1,500 registered voters contacted through cellphone, landline phone and text messages inviting them to participate in the survey online. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 points.

Biden’s 2024 presidential campaign did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

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