Dem Officials Are Freaking Out Behind Closed Doors Over Potential Third Party Bid, Emails Show

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Dem Officials Are Freaking Out Behind Closed Doors Over Potential Third Party Bid, Emails Show

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The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is passing around talking points prepared by a left-leaning think tank that target a third-party 2024 presidential bid amid mounting concerns the organization could tank President Joe Biden’s reelection, according to records reviewed by CBS News.

Third-party group No Labels is flirting with a presidential bid and has courted Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, though it’s unclear if he’d run or not. An email passed around by local Democratic leaders carried instructions sent by the DNC obtained from left-of-center think tank Third Way, telling them to denounce third-party tickets using any means necessary, according to CBS News.

“We need to do everything we can to stop this effort NOW, and not wait until they name a ticket and this becomes a runaway train,” a Utah Democratic Party official said, according to CBS News. “And right now is the moment to act, while the conventional wisdom on this hasn’t hardened yet and we have the opportunity to shape it.”

An email told Democratic leaders to “go on the record denouncing a [No Labels] third party presidential ticket effort—issue a statement on social media, put out an open letter, use media appearances,” according to CBS News.

“The DNC has asked for state and county parties not to make any public statements right now about No Labels (although they are okay with elected officials speaking out publicly against them),” according to a state Democratic official’s email reviewed by CBS News.

Democrats have been voicing opposition publicly to third-party efforts such as No Labels and Green Party presidential candidate Cornel West, saying that third-party runs might cause Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner, to become president in 2024 as a result of the split votes. Third party No Labels qualified in more than 10 states for the ballot and has raised nearly $70 million dollars, according to CBS News.

The DNC and No Labels did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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