JUDAH FRIEDMAN: 75 Million Reasons To Support Donald Trump

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JUDAH FRIEDMAN: 75 Million Reasons To Support Donald Trump

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There is an amazing number that people selectively forget, or just don’t like to bring up: 75 million. That’s about how many votes President Trump received a little more than two and a half years ago, breaking the Republican record of votes for president by 12 million. Guess whose record he beat? It’s okay, you can say it: his own. But that’s not the narrative. Nor do we talk about how a change of just sixty thousand votes could have produced a different outcome in that very free and fair election.

Let’s also not forget that Joe Biden’s nickname was “1 percent Joe,” who received close to 82 million votes. Perspective and facts are important; not a false narrative built on interpreted data. I would imagine most Republicans are unaware of this number, but that’s my own anecdotal data. But anecdotal data seems to be the science of our times.

Even if you were to say that 20 percent voted for Trump because he was a Republican, that is still SIXTY million. That is what every candidate who is running against him needs to remember. That is one heck of a base. Or to put it in betting terms, as of now he is at +215. That means if you were to bet a hundred dollars on him in the primaries you would win almost 47 dollars. What that also means is if you bet 100 dollars on Ron DeSantis and he wins, you would win 215 dollars. Just the facts.

Of all the knocks and hits you hear about why he can’t win the presidency, the biggest factor is that he can’t win the white women’s vote, and he’s lost the independents and the suburban voters. The biggest question is why? Now, people who want Trump will give you their theory, and the ones who don’t will give you theirs.

Trump won the 2016 election winning independents by 4 points, white women by 9, and suburban voters by 2. Supposedly. Especially as regards white women. Why then did these voters later defect, or did they? In 2018, “he” lost the House. Those who don’t like Trump say it’s because of the way he spoke to, or about, women. I ask one question: did he say anything worse than what was heard on the Access Hollywood Tapes? During an actual debate, when questioned about calling women “fat” or “a slob,” he responded, “Only Rosie O’Donnell.” Remember, that all happened before he was elected. Was calling Porn Star Stormy Daniels in 2018 “horse face” the straw that broke the camel’s back? Well, if you don’t like Trump, then, sure; but if you look at the timeline of events that led up to the midterms, of course not.

Let’s not forget that this was the height of the #MeToo movement and the Mueller Report. Then, in July, in what looked to all of us as an extremely vanilla constitutionalist pick, he nominated Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. But along came Christine Blasey Ford, on September 16, with her salacious and what have proven to be factually incorrect claims about Mr. Kavanaugh. That occurred less than a month before the midterms. And into the vernacular came: it’s “Her Truth”, and “Trust All Women.” Now, of course, I don’t have the data to prove that this swayed the midterms, but it’s more plausible than saying Republicans lost because he called a woman a “horse face.”

Remember, we don’t own the media. Every woman in America was getting inundated with these news stories that proved to be inaccurate. Let’s not forget the confirmation hearings continued through the election.

Let’s move ahead to 2020; the perfect storm: COVID, mail-in ballots, and impeachment. A surprise vacancy on the high court and Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett, less than a month before the presidential election. Again, leaving the left apoplectic, and once again everybody’s feed was that the Right hates women and that women are “gonna lose all their rights,” as will gay and black people. Heck, everybody will lose all their rights. It would have been far better for Trump to compromise and go to the Bush playbook that gave us John Roberts. But, he didn’t. The man who allegedly hates women nominated a woman on merit. He made a promise to his voters and kept it.

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Throughout his life and career, he has put women in charge of his businesses, and his political career. How easily we forget. With all that being said, how does Trump get some of those voters back that he lost? The bigger question should be: why is it his sole responsibility? Why have many on the right continued the narrative that the left started? And does he treat or berate women and men any differently? When you hear Jeb Bush’s name, do you not think of low energy? Or little Marco, or lying Ted? If women want to be treated like men, there is no one better equipped for that position than Donald Trump. He will hire you on merit, fire you on merit, and insult all equally. That is true “feminism.” That is equity.

And that is how all Republicans should be framing the narrative; not the left’s narrative. Ask the suburban or white woman: would you rather have affordable food on your table, a full tank of gas, peace, prosperity, with a touch of of spice? Or would you rather have a man who does not acknowledge his granddaughter, who exists, and plays the fool and the “nice” guy, but leaves you with scraps? Maybe also ask them: why do we have to build a narrative around you? You are equals. Isn’t that how you want to be treated? Isn’t that how all want to be treated?

75 million votes. That’s who you rally around unless you want to play the long shots. But this isn’t the track, it’s our country’s future. President Trump never claimed to be perfect; a phone call, maybe, but never himself.

Judah Friedman is co-host and producer of The World According to Ben Stein podcast, heard live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 10 PM ET. On Rumble. A writer of conservative comments, he considers himself Ben Stein’s Boswell.

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