‘Will Cockroaches Be On The Menu?’: Tucker Carlson Takes Bite Out Of Bug Burger On Air

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‘Will Cockroaches Be On The Menu?’: Tucker Carlson Takes Bite Out Of Bug Burger On Air

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Fox News host Tucker Carlson tasted a bug burger on his show Friday evening while discussing efforts to promote insects as food.

“Leaving politics aside, we’re assuming for this segment this will be inevitable, we’re going to be eating bugs,” Carlson, a co-founder of the Daily Caller News Foundation said to chef Joseph Yoon, who founded the Brooklyn Bugs restaurant in 2017. “Might as well make the best of it, and you have done that.”

The European Union approved the use of cricket power in food in January, allowing it to be used in a number of food items, including pasta, bread and meat substitutes. Over the years, media outlets, companies and leaders have pushed the idea of shifting people away from eating meat by substituting insects, including former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan.


“So before we get into what you prepared today, I think everyone has the same question in mind: Will cockroaches be on the menu?” Carlson asked Yoon, who was featured in a video from the World Economic Forum.

“All the insects that are – that we use are farm to harvested specifically for human consumption and cockroaches may be on that list but I, personally, don’t really think that we’re ready for cockroaches just yet,” Yoon said.

After that exchange, Carlson tried several of the items, including chocolate-covered crickets and cricket caramel popcorn.

“I would eat chocolate covered crickets all day,” Carlson said, before picking up a cricket burger and trying it.

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“That’s not bad at all,” Carlson said, taking a bite.

Yoon disavowed efforts to force people to discard eating meat, which has been targeted in efforts to deal with climate change by politicians and academics.

“I think whether people like it or dislike it, it’s important just to give people the option,” Yoon said.

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