‘Doesn’t Have A Brand’: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Mocks Americans From Red State

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Democratic Mayor Eric Adams of New York City took aim at Americans from Kansas during a Tuesday press conference about his Sunday trip to Puerto Rico.

“When I walked with that polo shirt with MAYOR on the back of it and went in those different locations, you have looked at the faces of people. That this city was saying to people that they matter,” Adams said, “That means so much to people outside of this country and those who are part of are locations around the globe. We take that for granted.”

“We have a brand, New York has a brand. And when people see it, it means something. You know, when we go, Kansas doesn’t have a brand,” Adams continued, drawing laughter from some sharing the stage with him. “When you go there, okay, you’re from Kansas, but New York has a brand. It has a brand, and that brand means diversity, that brand means we care, that brand means we’re compassionate.”

Adams and other officials took a Sunday trip to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic to assess damage done by Hurricane Fiona, the New York Post reported. The hurricane made landfall Sunday, knocking out electrical power.

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