‘The American People Are Not Stupid’: Most Believe There Are Two Tiers To Justice System, Poll Finds

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The vast majority of Americans believe there are two tiers to our justice system: one for political insiders and one for ordinary people, a poll released Tuesday found.

Majorities of both major political parties, all age groups and every ethnic and racial demographic surveyed agreed that the justice system operates differently for political elites and for ordinary Americans, the Convention of States Action poll found. Approximately 80% of all respondents said this division of our justice system is real.

“The American people are not stupid,” Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States Action, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “They are paying attention to the news. They know that Hillary Clinton committed crimes and was blatantly in violation of the Espionage Act. Director Comey even laid out that she was in violation of the espionage act and then said he wast going to prosecute her because she didn’t mean to do anything wrong; we saw that.”

The FBI raid of Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago Monday was further evidence of the idea that there are two justice systems, Meckler explained: one for those who are on the side of the administrative state and Democrats, and one for Republicans and ordinary Americans.

Another recent Convention of States Action poll found that 58.5% of voters think federal agencies, which would include the FBI, are too big and only serve their own political agenda, including 89.9% of Republicans. Only 16.4% of Democrats believed this, and 72.7% of Democrats thought federal agencies were effective and served the American people.

“We see pictures of Hunter Biden in bed with whores, smoking crack; we know he’s going around collecting bags of cash from foreign actors hostile to the United States; we know that the FBI held his laptop to protect Joe Biden in the 2020 election,” he said. “It plays straight into this. The bureaucracies have grown too large and only serve their own political interests.”

The poll was conducted among 1,080 likely general election voters from July 24 through 28 and had a 2.9% margin of error.

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