POLL: Trump Sees Popularity Soar In The Wake Of FBI Raid

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Republican support for former President Donald Trump spiked after the FBI raided his Mar-A-Lago home earlier this month, according to an NBC News poll released Sunday.

The number of Republicans who support Trump more than the GOP rose to 41%, a seven point increase since May, according to a poll released on Sunday by NBC News. The FBI’s raid on his Mar-A-Lago home may have contributed to this development, Axios reported.

NBC News surveyed 1,000 Republican voters, asking whether they favor Trump or the GOP more, shortly after the FBI raided Mar-A-Lago. When they asked Republicans the same question in May, 58% of respondents said they supported the party over Trump whereas only 34% favored Trump over the party.

The results follow a survey released by Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire last week, showing 50% of Republicans favored Trump over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who only received 29% of support for the GOP Presidential nomination. A previous University of New Hampshire poll had Trump tied with DeSantis before the raid.

Another survey conducted two days after the raid by Morning Consult and Politico revealed 58% of Republicans support Trump, a 4% increase from July.

Trump’s campaign is now centering their fundraising texts and emails around the raid, according to screenshots obtained by Axios.

“This is an attack by an anti-American president who is afraid of a MAGA-majority! We cannot allow this to go unanswered!” one email wrote.

“After months of trying to find something that can resonate with our people, this is the perfect thing to go on offense on,” a Republican digital operative told Axios.

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Axios reported that several anti-GOP strategists now fear the raid is going to help him win the presidential nomination in 2024.

NBC News’ poll surveyed 1,000 Republican voters and had a 3.10% margin of error.

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