MSNBC Data Guru Delivers Devastating News For Dems About Key Voting Bloc

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MSNBC data journalist Steve Kornacki delivered more ominous news for Democrats about a key voting bloc Monday night.

“It was one of the major stories to emerge from the 2020 elections, the shift we saw in the Hispanic vote,” Kornacki said. “Democrats still won the Hispanic vote in 2020, you can see, by 21 points, but that was down 17 points from 2016. Hillary Clinton won the Hispanic vote by 38, Joe Biden by just 21. And you know what? The trend seems to be continuing in 2022.”


“What you are looking at here, this is the average of every poll we have got out there that’s been taken over the last three months that looks at the Hispanic vote,” Kornacki continued. “And you put them all together, Hispanics are now voting Democratic by just 13 points, so from 38 to 21, now down in the 2022 midterm polling to a Democratic advantage of just 13 points.”

Republican Rep. Mayra Flores of Texas won a special election by eight points in a district that was 85% Hispanic in June, taking a district Biden won by four points. Her predecessor, former Democratic Rep. Filemon Vila of Texas, won the district by 13.6%.

The Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee did not immediately respond to requests for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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