‘An Alternative Universe’: Fox News Guest Rips Soros Op-Ed Backing Leftist DAs

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A Fox News guest ripped into billionaire George Soros for being in “deep denial” about the consequences of funding left-wing prosecutors during a Monday appearance on Fox News.

“He must be in super deep denial and does not want to face the facts, which is not just a minor microscopic increase” in crime, Deroy Murdock, a contributor for National Review, told “America Reports” host Sandra Smith.

“People come in and say well, the criminal justice system is racist so we have to let people on the streets, get rid of cash bail, give them a third, fourth, fifth, seventh, 18th, 25th chance, and these people almost always go back and commit crime, the violence continues,” Murdock said. “We saw just here in New York the other day, this 16-year-old thug beat up a couple of cops. He was back on the street the next day. He had been arrested for robbery the previous week, let go, then he beat up the cops, was let go again. If he commits another crime, he’ll probably be back on the streets again.”


Voters in San Francisco recalled Chesa Boudin, one of the prosecutors Soros supported, in June. Another recall campaignis targeting George Gascon, another Soros-backed district attorney in Los Angeles.

Soros defended the prosecutors he funded in a Monday op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, saying he sought to “end the criminalization of poverty and mental illness.”

“In recent years, reform-minded prosecutors and other law-enforcement officials around the country have been coalescing around an agenda that promises to be more effective and just,” Soros wrote.

Earlier Monday, another Fox News guest ripped Soros and his prosecutors.

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“He’s living in an alternative universe,” attorney Leo Terrell said. “George Soros does not live in Chicago or L.A. He has private security. Those cities like Chicago and New York are run by minorities. He’s claiming the criminal justice system is racist. What he wants to do is eliminate the criminal justice system.”

Soros did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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