Not Even Trying To Hide It

There are a few things more heinous in the world that bringing harm to women, children, and the elderly. More often than not, the default disposition in any case regarding…

Hijacking the Schools

We have been oblivious to the hijacking of the schools by the left as they brainwash our children to conform to their leftist ideology.

Trap Tea Debacle

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:6 mins read
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There is something to be said for someone being functionally retarded.  If that offended you or upended you emotionally, it is because you are uneducated or ignorant to the reality…

The Need to Level Up

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post author:

It is quite apparent that governments in local municipalities have in fact put themselves in quite the comedic conundrum.  Anywhere there’s a Democrat holding those official positions, they’ve allowed it,…

Baltimore – Why Does my Culture Offend You?

Baltimore, at what point did my culture offend you?

As you toppled the statue of Christopher Columbus last weekend, I must ask the simple question to all involved. When did your culture matter more than mine?  Where you there in 1492 when Columbus came to the Americas? Did you have a friend who knew him to determine his “racist values,” Where did this come from?

