Can your social media views decide your medical fate?

Like millions of my fellow Americans, I began paying close attention to politics later in life, when I could no longer ignore the pain I saw in everything around me. I had no idea that not paying enough attention could be deadly, and learned the hard way.

Things Are Going Well in the Capital of Police Defunding

Portland was one of the few places to defund the police by $15 million. The efforts to lynch police officers over battles against violent rioters and left-wing mobs led to massive resignations and retirements leaving the city with the smallest police force on record in a generation.

The Coming of Another Holocaust?

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:9 mins read
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Australia has already built and is in the process of building additional camps for the unvaccinated. No, the Australian government didn't start building them after the Coronavirus outbreak.

