Trump: We Are Living in a Communist Country

As Trump noted in the speech, a telltale sign of a Communist nation is the lack of a free press. All but a few of the media networks suppress coverage of the findings of the Arizona Audit. All but a few media sources publish the shocking revelation of the FBI’s involvement in the January 6th Capitol protest and the fake kidnapping attempt of Governor Whitmer of Michigan, almost wholly perpetrated by the FBI and its informants.

Big Government: When Hypocrites Overreach

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:8 mins read
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When hypocrites overreach, the whole country suffers. We must remind ourselves why the Founding Fathers did not want big government in America.

Lessons From Bulgaria

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post author:

Bulgaria is a country struggling under the weight of an overreaching government. We can learn from their mistakes to prevent that from happening to us.

