Missouri Passes Law Banning All Biden Gun Control Orders

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In the spring, Missouri enacted a precedent-setting state gun law that challenged any federal gun control measure that violates the 2nd Amendment.

According to CBS News, Missouri police officers now cannot enforce federal firearms laws and Executive Orders that violate the Constitution, such as so-called “Red Flag” gun confiscations.

Dubbed the Second Amendment Preservation Act, or SAPA, it forbids state agencies from assisting the federal government in enforcing any law, rule, or regulation that Missouri believes infringes on the right to bear arms while also imposing a $50,000 fine for violating the act.

Governor Mike Parson signed the act into law in June, expressing he “always will stand for the Constitution and our Second Amendment rights.”

According to the Missouri Governor’s Office, the bill “prohibits state and local cooperation with federal officials that attempt to enforce any laws, rules, orders, or actions that violate the Second Amendment rights of Missourians.”

The Governor’s Office further states “These protections against federal overreach are triggered if federal officials attempt to violate the state or federal constitution.”

The Governor’s office expressed Missouri drafted and signed the bill as a signal to the Federal Government that the right to keep and bear arms is unalienable and fundamental to American society.

John Paluska
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