BREAKING: Owen Shroyer of InfoWars Arrested for Silent Protest

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If ever there was hypocrisy in the government, this is it.  On Thursday January 23, 2020 around 2:50-3:00pm ET; InfoWars correspondent Owen Shroyer and his camera woman positioned themselves in the main atrium of where the Impeachment proceedings were being held.  He was holding a sign and had his mouth taped with the word “CENSORED” written on it and just stood there, in silent protest. No loud noises, no bullhorn, no repetitive chant or anything of that nature, just a mouth taped shut and a sign that read, “Tech companies banned me from social media.  Democrats are trying to ban me from the Capital. It looked as if the sign itself was typed on an Microsoft Word document, printed on a plain 8.5”x11” printer paper, folded up in a back pocket, and was given no thought to it. But that was it. No crowd. No bullhorn. Just him holding a sign.

Call the Battalion?

As he was asked for a picture, between four to five police officers surrounded Shroyer and one of the officers told him that because of his sign, this was considered a demonstration and if Shroyer didn’t comply and put the sign away, he would be arrested.  His camera lady continued to ask the simple question of why Shroyer was going to be arrested when there were “Impeach Trump” mob at that same location the other day and no arrests were made. One lone guy is standing there with his mouth taped shut and he is surrounded by four to five cops all ready to dog pile him for carrying a sheet of paper.

Federal Level Hypocrisy

Clearly the censorship is real.  Anti-Trump mobs litter the atrium of the proceedings chanting and screaming for impeachment and cause more ruckus than a pirahana feeding frenzy.  Shroyer stands there with a sign calling out the Democrats and they need four to five cops to surround him. Ultimately Shroyer gets arrested as he did not necessarily comply with the officer’s wishes to stop his demonstration.  The arrest was done in the midst of what looked to be some school field trips and clearly students saw the legitimate hypocrisy and unfair treatment of Shroyer as his silent solidarity and freedom of expression was infringed upon.

And Shroyer wastes no time as he yells in the middle of the atrium calling out the liberal Democrat anti-Trumpers who can mob the place with no arrests but a one man show standing in silence requires cops shows the sheer ridiculousness of the situation and the students standing there saw it all in broad daylight.  From the looks of it, it is quite clear where the Federal government really stands regarding freedom of expression. This is exactly the tyranny the Constitution was written about. A silent protest should be just as allowed on Capitol Hill as a mob of protesters pining for the impeachment of the President. Why is one thing deserving of five cops while the other example is allowed to roam free like a herd of degenerate buffalos?  Definitively, they shouldn’t, but such is the hypocrisy of the justice system today, it seems like.

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